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The invasion

The invasion of bivalves. What You Should Know


  1. Invasive bivalve molluscs are expanded by water systems throughout the world.

  2. No other invasive species has the reproductive capacity of bivalves.

  3. After CO2 emissions, invasive alien species are considered the most serious environmental risk.

  4. Once the invasion phases are over, the settlements are irreversible.

  5. Not even the most efficient systems on the market today will be able to eradicate any of the already established bivalve exotic pests.

  6. Invasive bivalves colonize native habitats, producing imbalances in flora and fauna.

  7. Chemical and toxic chemicals do not solve the problem.

  8. Inadequate treatments cause damage to human health, raw water and industrial structures.

  9. These products and methods are being used in many countries in the absence of adequate information

  10. The constant use of these products is poisoning the raw waters and substrates that sustain our agriculture, livestock and fishing.

  11. To establish a control of the expansion, a model capable of evaluating the progress of the measures must be adopted.

  12. Control treatments will be permanent.

  13. The official administrations involved, together with representatives of the affected sectors and representatives of companies dedicated exclusively to the control of invasive species, should establish a specific body to coordinate actions in the medium and long term.

  14. The costs caused by the invasions represent a sufficient argument to carry out a coordinated policy of action.

  15. The innocuous and efficient control methods available in the international market are the result of 20 years of research and development carried out by private industry with the support in some cases of State Administration.



What to do.


  • Affected companies should create a specific core of work or a person in charge of managing the problem.

  • Collect information from companies specializing in pest control of alien invaders.

  • Establish a communication channel between the specialized company and the affected company

  • Plan, in cooperation with the specialized company, a short, medium and long-term action plan

  • The specialized company must assume the monitoring of the control processes

  • The specialized company must periodically report to the company affected by the control process and the results.

  • Trust in the technical capacity and responsibility of the specialized company

  • Establish a guarantee and liability document


The industrial sectors most seriously affected by the invasion of the golden mussel are hydroelectric power plants. Unplanned and unplanned outages result in increased generation costs, as well as a loss of power generation capacity due to pipe and pipeline clogging, as well as the risk of serious failures in critical equipment systems.

The costs generated, calculated in billions, represent an added value to the productive process that has a negative impact, both in the economic results of the companies and in the users' pocket. The constant invasion of L. fortunei, associated with other invasive bivalves that will be installed in the future, as already happens in other parts of the world, will affect almost all the industrial park of hydropower generation in Brazil.


Farmers around the world are struggling to establish control over the invasion of invasive mollusks in irrigation systems. Millions of losses are the result of this serious problem. Perhaps it is the industrial sector that has done more experiments with chemicals of all kinds. The results, given the facts, indicate that not only did they spend money in vain, but they contaminated the subsoil and limited the useful life of part of the irrigation system due to the corrosion of the driving elements. water, valves, filters, etc.

Fortunately, this anomaly is diminishing. The emergence of environmentally friendly, selective and highly efficient organic products has substantially reduced the tradable impact on the farmers' economy.

Potable water

You have the moment, all the attention of the actors involved in the invasive problem of non-native bivalves, was being focused on industrial sectors and environment. Without these affected areas, undoubtedly, they are a priority in the control of the invasion. But what will happen when the problem affects the supply of drinking water, as already happens in some cities?

Hundreds of cities around the world have closed up a large part of the potable water distribution network. The potabilization plants are already invaded by the invading millions. Once introduced into distribution piping systems the problem takes on proportions of public calamity. We still have time to prevent this.


Brazil is one of the countries with the greatest growth potential in fish farming on aquaculture farms. However, in some cases, production costs may be affected by an increase, which in some cases may reach 15% of operating costs.

This is due to the presence of golden mussel colonies in the breeding and fattening lakes of fish and to the adherence of juveniles of L. fortunei in the net tanks. This affectation produces a reduction in production, but a maintenance of permanent cleaning of these structures.

Today, there are efficient, fish-safe and long-lasting products that prevent any organism from adhering to cages. Now, if we can say that this problem will not be a factor for the expansion of aquaculture in Brazil

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